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How to Start Bowhunting

A Beginner’s Guide to Bowhunting: How to Start bowhunting


Embarking on the thrilling journey of bowhunting is not just a sport; it’s a connection with nature, a test of skill, and a journey into the wild that allows you to experience the primal essence of hunting. If you’re a newcomer to the world of bowhunting, this guide is designed to help you take your first steps into this ancient and rewarding pursuit.

  1. Understanding Bowhunting:Bowhunting involves using a bow and arrow to pursue game animals. Unlike firearms, bowhunting requires a more intimate knowledge of your prey, a higher level of skill, and a closer proximity to the target.
  2. Research and Education:Before you set foot in the wilderness, invest time in researching and educating yourself about bowhunting. Read books, watch instructional videos, and consider taking a hunter education course to understand the rules, regulations, and safety measures.
  3. Choose the Right Bow:Selecting the right bow is crucial. There are various types, including compound bows, recurve bows, and longbows. Visit an archery pro shop to get expert advice and try out different bows to find one that suits your comfort and skill level.
  4. Master Archery Skills:Archery is an art that demands practice. Regularly practice your shooting technique to enhance your accuracy and consistency. Establish a routine, focus on proper form, and gradually increase your shooting distance.
  5. Selecting Arrows and Broadheads:Arrows and broadheads are as important as the bow itself. Choose arrows with the right spine, length, and fletching. Broadheads come in various styles, each designed for different game and hunting conditions. Experiment to find the combination that works best for you.
  6. Understand Local Regulations:Familiarize yourself with the hunting regulations and seasons in your area. Acquire the necessary licenses and permits, and strictly adhere to the ethical and legal guidelines of bowhunting.
  7. Practice Stealth and Camouflage:Bowhunting requires you to get up close and personal with your prey. Learn to move silently, blend into your surroundings, and use camouflage to remain unseen. Patience and stillness are essential components of a successful hunt.
  8. Scouting and Tracking:Spend time scouting your hunting area to understand animal behavior, feeding patterns, and travel routes. Learn to read tracks, droppings, and other signs to track your prey effectively.
  9. Safety First:Prioritize safety at all times. Always use a tree stand or ground blind with safety harnesses, inform someone about your hunting plans, and carry essential safety equipment, including a first aid kit.
  10. Respect Nature and Wildlife:Bowhunting is a privilege that comes with a responsibility to respect nature and wildlife. Follow ethical hunting practices, practice leave-no-trace principles, and appreciate the beauty of the natural world around you.


Embarking on the journey of bowhunting is not just about the pursuit of game; it’s about immersing yourself in nature, honing your skills, and embracing the primal connection between hunter and prey. Through dedication, practice, and a deep respect for the outdoors, you can embark on a fulfilling and rewarding bowhunting experience. So, gear up, step into the wild, and let the adventure begin.

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Choosing a bow sight

When it comes to choosing a sight for your hunting bow, cost, quality, number of pins, and size of pins are all important factors to consider. Here’s a closer look at each of these factors:

  1. Cost: The cost of a sight can vary widely, from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand. While it’s important to consider your budget, keep in mind that investing in a high-quality sight can pay off in the long run. Cheap sights may not be as durable or accurate, and they can potentially ruin your hunting experience.
  2. Quality: As with any hunting gear, it’s important to invest in a high-quality sight from a reputable brand. Look for sights that are built to last and are backed by a good warranty.
  3. Number of pins: The number of pins on your sight can affect your accuracy and the speed at which you can take a shot. Multi-pin sights, which have multiple pins for different distances, can be useful for long-range shots. However, they may also slow you down if you need to take a quick shot at a close range. Single-pin sights can be more suitable for shorter ranges and may allow for faster shots.
  4. Size of pins: The size of the pins on your sight can also impact your accuracy. Larger pins may be easier to see, but they can also obscure your target at longer ranges. On the other hand, smaller pins may be more accurate but harder to see. Consider the size of the pins based on your hunting style and the distances you typically shoot.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best sight for your hunting bow that meets your needs and budget.

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How to bowhunt with a decoy

Using decoys while hunting with a bow and arrow can be a highly effective technique for attracting and bringing in big game animals like deer, elk, and moose. Here are some tips for using decoys while archery hunting:

  1. Choose the right decoy: Look for a decoy that is realistic and appropriate for the species you are hunting. For example, if you are hunting deer, consider using a doe decoy to attract bucks.
  2. Set up the decoy correctly: Position the decoy in a natural and lifelike manner, and make sure it is visible from a distance. You may also want to use scent attractants or other calls to further draw in the animal.
  3. Use cover: Make sure you have some cover or concealment nearby so that you can remain hidden while using the decoy. This will allow you to get closer to the animal without spooking it.
  4. Be patient: Using a decoy can be a slow and waiting game, as you may need to wait for the animal to approach the decoy before you can get a good shot. Be patient and stay alert, as the animal may approach from any direction.
  5. Practice good shot placement: When the animal does approach, make sure you are prepared to take a clean and ethical shot. Aim for a vital area like the heart or lungs to ensure a quick and humane kill.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success while archery hunting with decoys. Just be sure to follow all local hunting regulations and obtain any necessary licenses or permits before heading out into the field.

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2018 Christmas Gifts For The Hunter

Here is B.O.H. Archery 2018 Christmas Gift Guide for the archer or hunter in your life.   Big gifts, small gifts and stocking stuffers that are all available right here.

Big Gifts……

  1.  Nikon Monarch 3000 Stabilized Laser Rangefinder $600 Free Shipping

This rangefinder has one thing that no other rangefinder has…..image stabilization.  It is simple, when a big buck, elk, or target animal finally shows up the excitement is impossible to control and hands start to shake.  This Nikon has solved that problem, point and range once.  You wont be mashing buttons getting ranges from trees and bushes all around the animal.  Range and shoot, done!

2.  Obsession Turmoil RZ  $750 *Free Shipping*

The 2018 Obsession Turmoil is a great value bow,  its super fast at 350fps and rotating modules to accomodate draw lengths from 26.5-30 inches.  This bow is 60# draw weight and looks great in mossy oak bottomland camo.  It is on sale and has free shipping for a deadly Christmas gift at a great price.


Mid Priced Gifts….

  1.  Alaska guide Creations Bino Packs  $120-135

Once you go from a neck strap on your binos to a bino pack or harness you will never look back.  It is one of those pieces of gear you buy and think, what was I doing all those years without one.  The Alaska Guide bino packs are silent and supper functional.  Several sizes and colors to fit any set of binoculars or styles.  Side pockets for wind checker or extra bullets.  And an optional max pocket on the bottom of the harness also. Every hunter would be grinning ear to ear to find an Alaska Guide Creation bino pack under the tree this year.

2.  Carson Hookupz 2.0 Smartphone Optic Adapter $75

Everyone wants to share that buck or bull that was found while glassing.  Hookupz will hold your phone steady you can glass with it on, enjoy the view on the larger phone screen, let several people look at the same time and then snap a pic or vid.  Post it to your social media or show your buddies.


Small Gifts For Hunters….

1. Outdoor Edge Chowpal 28$

It’s small, light weight, compact and super versatile.  Outdoor edge is known for extremely sharp knifes and this one is no different.  Extremely sharp knife to go along with all your needed utensils for camping or backpacking meals.  Built into the unit there is also a can opener, bottle opener, flathead screwdriver and wrench.  It also comes with a convenient nylon case.

2. Stealth Cam SD Card Reader  $90

Check trail cameras quick and easy right on sight with the Stealth Cam SD card reader.  You go in to your favorite spot and check your card, no bucks??? Move to your next spot and you wont be wasting time sitting in a location where the deer haven’t been using.

Stocking Stuffers…

  1. Ely Medium Weight Mid Calf Cu-Tech Hunt Sock Free Shipping $32

Merino wool is simply the best material for hunting.  Warm, drys fast, warmer when wet, doesn’t stink like other materials.  This specific sock not only has the non smelling properties of merino but it also has copper fibers to fight odors. Making it perfect for hunting and whitetail hunters specifically.  It will also ship for free

2.  Nockturnal Universal Fit Lighted Nocks  $37.99 Free Shipping

The greatest thing since sliced bread, lighted nocks!  See where your arrow hit the animal, and find your arrow easy after the shot. The universal fit works with x, h, s, and gt arrows, and the strobing red and green is even easier to see then the solid light.

3.  Watertight First Aid Kit 2.0 $15.00

It’s small and lightweight so it wont take up too much space in the backpack, but it’s an essential piece of gear.  60 Piece kit to treat minor injuries and will keep you out and comfortable in the field rather then a ruined day of hunting.